Monday, January 23, 2006

Of Truth, And Love

Truth and Love are of the same essence, for both in their purest forms are unaltered by external circumstances or events. By this I mean of course true love, as the love for one's children. The love that is between a man and a woman rarely comes into this sphere of existence , as one or both are often times imperfect in their love toward the other, or in a word; selfish. Indeed the word "love" today, is much abused. Truth likewise, is truth no matter what; unaffected by circumstances or events taking place in the life, or in the mind of the contemplator. The two, love and truth are in fact so close in relation, that upon careful examination, you will find that you cannot have one, without the other. This is also the meaning behind God's love, implied according to the definition of truth. As it is written, "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous."
Now the Tetragrammaton, meaning "the four character word", which is God's name represented by the four Hebrew characters יהוה; contains in itself (among other things) the complete expression of truth and love. Its meaning is can be interpreted thus: two separate things combine (as man and woman), with a double effect; first the destruction of both by denial of themselves for the other, accompanied by the realization that prior to this union, they were each incomplete; secondly, the creation of a third thing (usually a child), which brings about the joy of the creation of life which confirms one's own existence (for one does not truly exist, until one's existence is acknowledged), then thru examination and self development, one becomes aware of his own imperfections, and loves unconditionally. One will also notice that both of these (truth and love) are of no effect, and cannot be obtained nor maintained without action, for action is required for the expression of each. Again, it is written, "If you love me, keep my commandments,"and "Faith without works, is dead," I will leave you to draw your own conclusions from here, as there are countless applications and parallels to be perceived from this formula, which can be applied to one's own life in any number of ways......


EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

Love is both the seed and the fruit of Truth.

Like the mystery of the Word that became flesh.
John 1:1(KJV Holy Bible)

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

Love is both the seed and the fruit of Truth.

Like the mystery of the Word that became flesh.
John 1:1(KJV Holy Bible)